Annotator Community Call Notes (5/9/14)
May 9, 2014
Annotator Community Call
- Annotator 2.0 work update
- Annotator 2.0 release schedule
- Hypothesis fork (somebody want to take this?)
- website -- update
- Annotator browser support
- Documentation
- Steph Skardal
- Dan Whaley
- Gergely Ujvari
- Kristof Csillag
- Chris Birk
- Jamie Folsom
- William
- Benjamin Young
Nick Stenning update on annotator 2.0:
- since ianno pull UI form core (yea!)
- UI split in 4 parts
- adder (popup box)
- highlighter
- viewer (hover)
- editor
- Implications of the split
- They are completely independent of each other
- Viewer only is possible
- just highlighter is possible
Problem with splitting is configuration
Design goal is to get simpler not more complicated
Still open: coordination between plug-ins (Annotator 2.0 blocker)
- on details of the communication using events returning promises
- allows adding the hypothesis fuzzy anchoring
- See open pull request #374
Places where there are still hacks around core functionality:
- Override xpath serialization to ignore extra markup
- Question: Should we split the document plugin for Annotator?
- The document plugin gathers both metadata and alternate links
- it also gathers labels for facebook and twitter links
Release Schedule
- commit to ongoing release schedule desired
- how do we get a 2.0 release out the door? See below for action items
Major unsolved problems
- Coordination between plugins and annotation lifecycle
- empty annotator object of non core concerns
- instead of events use overridable hooks
- onSelect, onCreate,....
- core interactions should be simple that way
- Aron and I talked about alternative APIs for core
- As a user, I'd like to have documentation about the timeline of events
- Make explicit, but don't lose simplicity in terms of events / hooks
Kristof on Hypothesis fork
- fork with many differences
- all changes needed to move Hypothesis to Annotator v2:
- all changes need to be validated and documented
- creation and raattachments of annotations
- should become set of independent plug-ins
- spliting of adder plug-in
- how are annotations created
- ui separation is good
- enhanced anchoring pugin
Website Updates (Steph/Andrew)
- reorganized commit rights to allow people to contribute more
- perhaps share release notes, meeting notes, highlight use cases
Browser Support (Chris - OpenGov Foundation)
- Scope was too large, so want to focus priorities
- Skip mobile for now, good b/c there are a lot of unanswered user interface questions for Annotator in the mobile experience
- Integrate CI tool like Sauce / testling
- (before) IE8 doesn't support fundamental behavior of Annotator, so lost cause?
- Automated cross browser test environment is #1 wish. Nick: "I don't think it should be too hard."
- Make Aron's mobile touch plugin part of core.
- Not enough, not right kinds, not up to date.
- B/c things are a moving target right now, it negates the need for documentation, perhaps.
- High priority when things become more stable.
- High level: What is Annotator? Why would I be interested? Possible use cases, not implementation details. Keep in mind audience is both technical and non-technical folks:
- high level product manager
- users in basic configuration
- customize it
- core contributors
- TODO, in addition to writing documentation: Information architecture / curate structure of documentation
Action Items:
- make proposal to enhance the document plugin -> mailinglist
- Contribute change for touch enhancements
N ick:
- Write up conversation about ongoing release schedule -> mailinglist
R andall:
- Curate the 2.0 milestone on GitHub so that everything is known
- Add a new 2.0 beta milestone
- Steph:
- Send summary of core overrides, events used in H2O to mailing list
- Andrew Magliozzi && Steph
- Discuss creating a blog of notes / updates / etc.
- Send email summary of notes
- Website People
- Remove links to demo
- Figure out "blog" / release notes / etc.
- Chris:
- Connect with Nick on broken legacy browser items
- Jamie Folsom (Steph && Andrew can help too)
- High-level docs: What is the Annotator? Why would I use it?
- Motivations for contributing
- Non-technical folks, why is it good?
- Customizers
- Implementers
- Ping/Poke Nick